Top Ten Tips For Traveling With Little Ones.

Vacation is here and it’s that time of year again where you may have big plans to travel with your family. Traveling is such an exciting time for families yet it can also bring on a slew of anxieties surrounding your children’s sleep. The questions start turning in your minds and you start to wonder, ‘how will my baby sleep?’ ‘When and how will she nap?’ ‘What if she doesn’t nap?’ ‘What if her perfect schedule gets destroyed?’ ‘What if my kids go to bed too late?” “What if I have to share a room with them and they wake up the baby?” and so on and so on…

I totally hear you! I have been in your shoes countless times believe it or not, and let me tell you that while traveling with little one’s is far from perfect and not always the most fun, but there are a lot of things you can do to help your kids keep some of their same schedule intact without throwing all the rules, naps and bedtimes out the window. Granted, you’ll have to bend them just a little in order to actually enjoy your vacation and prevent yourself from being held prisoner in your hotel room because of your baby’s routine.

Read on to see how you can hack traveling, have fun and maintain a schedule all at once.

Rule #1 Be flexible

Adjust your expectations and meet your kids halfway with their schedule. You don't want to be held up in the house or hotel room for the entire trip because of your baby's nap and bedtime routine. Find a balance between their routine and going out and having fun! The rest of the family will thank you for it and your baby will be fine!

Rule #2 Bring a lovie or a security toy or blanket for your child. 

This will help them transition into the new environment a lot easier if they are sensitive sleepers or travelers. They’ll feel a lot more comfortable if they have their favorite toy or security item with them. It’s definitely not a time to start weaning feedings, sleep training or throwing out the pacifier or blanky. Do it once you’ve returned from your trip and your child has adjusted back into their usual routine.

Rule # 3 Keep the first nap intact

If your baby is on a 2 nap schedule, do what you can to get in that first nap. This way he will start the day rested and refreshed as opposed to being overly exhausted later on where he may or may not take a good second nap. If you can keep the first nap intact, his day will start off on a good foot and you’ll have a much less cranky baby on your hands later on. If he is on a one nap schedule, it’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to leave before or after his nap. It will also largely depend on how far you’re traveling and how easygoing your baby is with sleeping on the go. 

Rule # 4 Bring a noise machine

Vacation can mean lots of extra noise. Whether your baby is napping on the go or in a house full of people, a noise machine is very helpful in drowning out all that noise. Bring a portable one that you can hang on the stroller for on-the-go naps which can also be used at bedtime. I have used noise machines on airplanes and road trips and stroller walks and it does help them fall asleep easier in unfamiliar environments and it also helps prolong their nap.

Rule # 5 Get black out shades

If you know you are going to a place that doesn't have the most ideal sleep setting for your baby/child, go ahead and invest in some portable black out shades. These are easy to assemble and will help your little one fall asleep and will prevent all that sunlight from creeping into the room in the morning or even at bedtime if it’s still sunny outside.

Rule # 6 Slumberpods & carseat canopies

These are recommended for especially sensitive sleepers who aren't used to room-sharing, who will need to nap on the go, who are easily overstimulated or who overall have a harder time falling asleep anywhere other than in their crib. These items help them sleep in new & unfamiliar environments when traveling by providing a cozy feeling and a dark environment to block out all the external light. The carseat canopy is a nice way to help your child nap comfortably in their stroller or car seat by blocking out the sun and the heat. They have some amazing options out there that are breathable, yet do the job!

Rule #  7  Recreate bedtime routine

It's ok if your baby goes to bed late from time to time while away, but do what you can to recreate their bedtime routine to help it go as smoothly as possible. Vacation can be an exciting yet very overstimulating time and having bedtime in place as best as you can will bring balance, familiarity and help restore some of that order that may be missing

Rule # 8 Bring some toys and games for your kids.

Whether you are road-tripping or flying, it’s helpful to bring some extra games and activities for your kids, not only for the car ride or flight, but for when you get to your destination. There will be some downtime in the hotel or wherever you are going and you’ll want them to have some games to help keep them entertained. I personally pack one new game or item in the suitcase and each kid has a backpack with their favorite toys, whether new or old, that’s up to you. This is where the dollar store comes in handy; stock up on some little toys and fun surprises without breaking the bank. It helps tremendously for them to have something to play with and In addition to games and toys, make sure you have lots of snacks as well, especially for the little ones who get super antsy when sitting for too long!

Rule #9 Take breaks often.

For road trips, stop every two hours or so If you are driving to your destination, it’s important to stop, even for a few minutes to let your kids (yes, even the babies!) run around in the sunshine and get out some energy. This is especially helpful before nap time. Your baby will nap a lot better if they’ve had a chance to get out, eat lunch and run around at a park or a rest stop. It will also make the drive more tolerable. Trust me on this one.

Rule # 10 Have fun!

It's important to just have fun. It's not every day you get to go away with your family and you want to make sure you are not too stressed about your baby's schedule. There's only so much you can control while on vacation and lowering your expectations will benefit everyone. It may take a couple of days, but you'll jump back into your routine when you return home.

Tips for road tripping.


Driving through the night vs. the day time is a preference, so do what works for you and the kids. I prefer to leave early in the morning. Babies, children (and paraents) are well rested, less cranky and calmer at this time of day, especially after they have slept and are well fed.

The sooner you get to your destination before bedtime, the better. Who wants to drive straight into cranky hour when everyone is exhasusted? Stopping to sleep for the night if needed as opposed to starting your drive then is often easier on everyone and you can all get some sleep.


Take regular breaks. Make sure you get out of the car sometime before their nap or bedrime to let them run around, crawl or do tummy time. This will help them get out pent up energy and sleep better on the drive. It will benefit everyone!


Bring extra of everything! Bring snacks, some new toys and iPads to keep your little ones entertained. This is where the dollar store comes in handy! You can never have too many snacks or new activities. It also helps to have some pre-downloaded movies and shows for the car.


Bring a pillow and blanket for you & your kids to cozy up to. It’s difficult trying to fall asleep in the car when you are cold or leaning against a hard surface. Dress them comfortably as well!

Tip #5

Older children (and even toddlers 3 and up) should all have their own backpacks. You want them to have easy access to their things so they can help themselves with whatever they need throughout the drive. -Change of clothes -Water bottle -Their own activities/toys -Snacks -Etc...

Here are some of my favorite travel-friendly must-haves.

Amazon basics portable blackout curtain

yogasleep hush portable white noise machine A favorite!

Snoozeshade crib cover

Carseat canopy 


Mack’s baby ear plugs These are great for long flights - i’ve used them several times.

Suction cup window toys These are hidden treasures!

Good luck and happy travels.

If you have questions and concerns about your baby’s sleep, feel free to send me a message or book a free discovery call so that I can answer all of your questions.


The Two to one nap transition

